NADA: Act 1
⌈ collaboration with visual artist Jasmina Cibic
⌈ year: 2016.
A building. An instrument...
Building an instrument...
A building as instrument...
Any, even slightly and let alone carefully thought about, space and its organisation determined by objects, walls, that make some sort of barriers to the air, makes for a space to become a space of resonance.. a resonance chamber. Within that space, we could certainly feel as, on a grander level, part of its structure, part of its sound structure, part of the sound and the sound wave.
And sometimes while within it, we are played by that space, by that architecture as instrument...
And sometimes... we can get inspired and make a building be an instrument...
The central element of project “NADA” is Vjenceslav Richter’s first, but unrealized design for the Yugoslav Pavilion at the 1958 EXPO in Brussels. Artist Jasmine Cibic appropriates and recreates the pavilion as a sculpture, which in turn functions as the skeleton of her new short film, around which the exhibition is centered. In “NADA: Act 1”, in collaboration with Dejana Sekulic, the sculpture of Richter’s pavilion is made into a music instrument, on which Dejana performs.
⌈ In-Depth description of the work.
⌈ Overview+Credits
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"Tell me about... " - following the footsteps of thoughts of exceptional artists from Dejana Sekulic on Vimeo.
More details and information of this project are going to be published soon on:
This video preview is an interlude and was a spark of inspiration for initiating and starting up artistic research.
The main concept of this artistic research (or rather artistic journey) is dealing, expressing and searching for new/extanded technique, technical expressions, contemporary music lines and meaning, thus broadening violin technique and repertoire. You will be able to follow updates and if you would like, you could also take part in some parts and performances of this project.
Follow also the video updates on channel:
Please don't hesitate to send comments, thoughts, remarks, inquiries and/or any question you might have to contact [at]
Creation in progress. More information coming soon.
Full description and information on this project will be soon updated.