Beside here, you can also visit (and follow updates) on Soundcloud.
CD "Temporality of the Impossible" for the UK lable HCR/NMC (February 2022)
"...her music really tapping the body and soul of the instrument that’s playing it – the rawness, the vulnerability, the guttural and the very vocal sounds...a really terrific programme exploring extremity and ambiguity," Kate Molleson, BBC Radio 3 New Music ShowLoading the player...Other:
• Federico Pozzer: Breaths [Another Timbre, at141]
• "Kingsdale Master Cave, Gragareth, England", on album Rocks I Have Taken by Maria Sappho, bandcamp release, April 30, 2020
• "if_not____winter" on album the abundant house of sappho by Sappho, Maria Sappho and Friends, bandcamp release, April 25, 2021
• dejana sekulić plays Chilli and bonbon in Chililabombwe, bandcamp release, June 30, 2023
• Andrew Greenwald: A Thing Made Whole [KAIROS, 0022001KAI] -
Creation in progress. More information coming soon.
Full description and information on this project to be updated.
⌈ PhD Thesis: Temporality of the Impossible: exploring the multifaceted process of preparation of complex pieces from the late 20th and 21st centuries, CeReNeM, University of Huddersfield [July, 2023]
⌈ proceedings from Dejana's talk during the presentation on the conference "The (future) of artisctic education" hosted by UNESCO Chair for Cultural Policies and Management [May, 2021]
⌈ "Never enough [of violin pieces]- Introduction to Writing for the Violin || lecture/workshop with dejana sekulic
⌈ "Collaboration as Contingent on Material Encounters in Making Imitate Elegance Expertly: (Re)Thinking Violin Virtuosity", article Dejana co-authored with Linda Jankowska, Irine Røsnes, and Colin Frank [CeReNeM Journal No.7, 2020, UK]
⌈ "Do You Hear Me? - Handbook to Contemproary Violin Music and Notation", excerpt. [ pdf, 2012-2013 ]
⌈ Search and Research. Reflections on Art and Knowledge. [ pdf, 2013. - 2015. ]
⌈ Philosophy of Enthusiasm [ pdf, 2014. ]
⌈ "Bach and (Vs.) Ysaye. Timeless and Endless Journey. To Unknown.", excerpt. [ pdf, 2010. - 2011. ] -